Kajima has established the “Kajima Group Code of Conduct ” as a base of compliance programs. In all aspects of our activities, it is necessary that all directors, officers, and employees to act in conformity with its corporate ethics. We inform directors, officers, and employees from a wide range of perspectives that all endeavors are predicated on thorough compliance, thereby raising awareness to compliance and enhancing measures against legal and regulatory risks.
To encourage the understanding and spread of the Kajima Group Code of Conduct, we have issued the Handbook for Practical Application of the Kajima Group Code of Conduct as a compliance manual, and this is disseminated to all directors, officers, and employees. We update the Handbook for Practical Application of the Kajima Group Code of Conduct as necessary after the scrutiny of effectiveness with reference to revision of laws and regulations as well as change in social conditions at the end of each fiscal year. The last revision was made in October 2022. Group companies also have issued compliance manuals in line with their business affairs and forms of trading, and such activities foster and maintain a sense of compliance across the Group. In FY2021, there were zero cases of severe legal violations.
To implement the compliance framework, cases concerning compliance and risks, along with disciplinary and whistleblowing cases, are reported and confirmed at the Compliance and Risk Management Committee as needed. Results of deliberations conducted by the Committee are reported periodically to the Board of Directors through the Committee, whereas important matters are reported on an individual basis. The Board of Directors supervises the status of compliance based on these reports.